Analysis of protein-protein interaction networks in specific tissue
Protein, interactions, genes, network
Protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks are involved in supporting cellular life, forming metabolic pathways, protein complexes, and cellular structures. Canonical interaction networks provide an overview of potential interactions between proteins, regardless of the tissues in which they are expressed. Protein expression is not uniform across all tissues; some tissues share the same proteins, while others do not express them at all. A localized view of these networks by tissue offers a better resolution of these interactions, forming tissue-specific sub-networks composed only of proteins expressed within them. Analyzing these tissue-specific sub-networks reduces or eliminates the occurrence of false positives and improves the accuracy of results. In this work, we identify tissue-specific sub-networks across 52 tissues using gene expression data from the GTEx (The Genotype-Tissue Expression) project and compare them with the human interactome obtained from the STRING database.