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Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 26/09/2024
TIME: 10:00
LOCAL: Por videoconferência

Challenges and Perspectives of Geography Teaching in the Context of the Implementation of the New High School at Adauto Bezerra State High School in Crato – CE


Geography teaching, New High School, Geography of Ceará.

BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Geografia
SUBÁREA: Geografia Humana
SPECIALTY: Geografia Política

he process of teaching Geography goes beyond programmatic content, teacher training, and the regulations that guide education. It is essential to consider the construction and implementation of the curriculum, as well as the political, historical, and social dimensions of the school's Pedagogical Project (PP). Additionally, teaching practice requires mastery of school content, pedagogical methods, and teaching resources and languages that can positively contribute to students' learning, including the use of textbooks and other materials. Research on the school curriculum that examines the effectiveness of content and investigations into the teaching-learning process are fundamental. Thus, the content, methodologies, and didactic materials that comprise the current educational model, as well as its possible modifications, provide pathways to understanding and justifying these factors, as well as guiding future research focused on teacher training. This research aims to analyze how Geography and regional themes are addressed in the first years of high school, in the context of the "New High School," through a case study of EEMTI Governador Adauto Bezerra (formerly Polivalente), located in Crato, Ceará. Methodologically, documents that guide education were analyzed, such as the National Common Core Curriculum (BNCC), the Law of Guidelines and Bases of Education (LDB 13.415/2017), the Reference Curriculum Document of Ceará (DCRC), and the Pedagogical Project (PPP). Additionally, a critical analysis of textbooks used to support teachers in the classroom was conducted, with a focus on regional themes. The study is also based on a theoretical review of authors who discuss the topics covered, such as Nosella apud Tezani (2000) on teaching and learning; Haddad (2012) on the right to education; Silva (2019) on didactics, school planning, and region; Cavalcanti (2017), Oliveira (2019), Pontuschka, Paganelli, and Cacete (2007), and Kaercher (2014) on the teaching of Geography and its importance. The final objective is to develop a diagnosis of how the implementation of the New High School occurred at the school in question, based on the participants' reports, as well as to understand the methodologies and practices used in the classroom. The study seeks to identify the challenges faced in the teaching-learning process and suggest possible solutions, including the development of didactic tools that can assist both teachers and students in Geography classes.

Presidente - ***.855.476-** - JEANE MEDEIROS SILVA - UFU
Externa à Instituição - ANDRÉIA MELLO LACÉ - UnB
Notícia cadastrada em: 13/09/2024 14:19
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