Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 16/12/2022
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Por videoconferência

THE BOARD GAME IN GEOGRAPHY TEACHING: a didactic sequence on the environment of the Seridó Potiguar for Elementary School - Early Years


Elementary Geography Teaching - Early Years. Board game. Following teaching. Seridó Potiguar.

PAGES: 162
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Geografia
SUBÁREA: Geografia Humana

If we are an integrated totality, the student needs to know his role on this planet, considering that the fauna and flora are not the only environment components. This premise implies the student's awareness of the geographic knowledge construction that goes beyond school walls and permeates life in society. In this sense, the starting point will be the living place, from which the student will be able to reach a sustainable perception of the planet and of his own existence. Considering this reality conception we question: what methodological possibilities, in addition to the usual approaches, can we teach and learn place, region and environmental perception in the 4th year of Elementary School? How to work didactically these categories Geography classes of Seridó Potiguar? What is the ludic importance in the teaching-learning of Geography? How does the ludic contribute to the understanding of the Caatinga biome from where you live? This research, by the way, aimed to develop two products, called Didactic Sequence with a board game: the environment of Seridó Potiguar in Geography Elementary School - Initial Years and the other, Geographical Board Game of Seridó Potiguar. The proposal produced an analog board game aimed at the spatial reading of the Seridó Potiguar, prioritizing the problems of deforestation, environmental pollution, and learning about the caantigueira (Caatinga Biome) fauna and flora. We recover characteristics under construction of School Geography in Elementary Education - Initial Years, foreseen as objects of knowledge of the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (National Common Curricular Base BNCC) and the Documento Curricular do Rio Grande do Norte (Curricular Document of the State of Rio Grande do Norte DCRN), applicable to the Seridó Potiguar region, as projection for product development. These fundamentals were combined with the survey of the knowledge level of the research subject students (enrolled in the state public education network in Caicó/RN), with whom we applied the sequence and the board game. The thematic approaches worked were related to preservation, degradation, landscapes, relief, vegetation cover and places characterization. We noticed that games provide playfulness and student participation in the teaching-learning environment, enhancing the community to learn and socialize this learning. Realizing that all our actions cause reactions and impacts, whether positive or negative, we are facing a new look at the Earth, in front of individuals who will make the difference from their locality, with small actions of the day to day, building a geographic space more environmentally balanced. Knowing and understanding your place of living is also understanding the complexity of the whole (city, state, country, continent and planet Earth).

Interno - 1803535 - ADRIANO LIMA TROLEIS
Externo ao Programa - 3247012 - DJANNI MARTINHO DOS SANTOS SOBRINHO - UFRNPresidente - ***.855.476-** - JEANE MEDEIROS SILVA - UFU
Notícia cadastrada em: 05/12/2022 11:27
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