From the reading of the poem to the production of the photopoem
Literature teaching. Potiguar poetry. Photopoem; Literary literacy.
Students in the final years of elementary school show a lack of interest in reading, especially literary reading, and have a deficit in understanding texts and writing. It is true that many discussions, meetings and seminars on promoting reading have been promoted and published, given the need to educate readers for better social and cultural inclusion. This study aims to analyze whether the use of photographs can help improve the reading of poetic texts, awakening greater interest in reading these texts among students. This work seeks to analyze the discussions surrounding the teaching of literature in elementary school, considering the National Common Curricular Base, in view of the guidelines of the regulatory documents for basic education at its various levels, regarding the teaching of literature. The authors used as a source for the theoretical basis of this research were: Candido (2013), Bakhtin (2022), Petit (2021), Koch (2022), Gurgel (2001), Onofre Jr (2000), Cosson (2012), Thiollent (1986), Lüdke, André (2013. The intervention was applied to the ninth grade class of Elementary School, with the objective of working with the poetry of local poets, such as Celestino Alves, José Bezerra Gomes and Iara Carvalho, for the production of photopoems. To this end, a workshop on photographic techniques was promoted in which the students actively participated, contemplating the definitions of multimodality, the relationships between words and images, poetry and photography, focusing on didactic and facilitating tools for the practice of reading and literacy in Portuguese language classes