Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 11/12/2020
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Banca Virtual Google meet
Cultured Norm and Linguistic Variation: Verbal Agreement in a Sociointeractive Perspective


Cultured norm and grammar. Linguistic variation. Verbal agreement

PAGES: 156
BIG AREA: Linguística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Letras

Among the various attributions that Portuguese language classes provide, one of them is also to teach students the cultured norm, offering them the opportunity to improve their grammatical knowledge when writing textual genres in which they need to properly use prescriptive rules. And especially with regard to the use of verbal agreement, we must take into account the richness of linguistic variation in order to guide students to recognize the dialectal differences they have, considering the context in which they find themselves and the conditions of textual production presented. Therefore, our research object concerns the use of verbal agreement in the production of the students' texts. And as a general objective of this work, we intend to enable students to understand the proper use of the verbal agreement in the written production of the textual genres music and news in their respective contexts of interaction. In specific terms, we intend to: identify the linguistic variation of verbal agreement in texts of the music genre; apply the prescriptive grammatical rules for the use of verbal agreement in the production of news-like texts; and finally, to distinguish the use of verbal agreement in cultured and popular varieties, adequately adapting it in each context presented. The research will be carried out in a class of students from the 8th grade of elementary school in a municipal public school in the city of Fortaleza-CE. As for the methodological aspects, it is an action research (LÜDKE; ANDRÉ, 1986 .; THIOLLENT, 2011) with a qualitative approach in the construction of data (BODGAN; BIKLEN, 1994).  The corpus of our work will be the texts produced by the students, applied and developed in the stages of the didactic sequence proposed by Dolz, Noverraz and Schneuwly (2004). Our theoretical framework is structured around the concepts of cultured norm (FARACO, 2008; FARACO; ZILLES, 2017; BAGNO, 2001; 2002; 2003;) and Portuguese language grammar (TRAVAGLIA, 2000; 2004; BRITTO, 2007; BAGNO, 2001a; 2001b; 2009a; FRANCHI, 2006) in a socio-interactive perspective, centralizing the treatment of linguistic variation in the school context (BAGNO, 2007; 2009b; 2013; 2015; BORTONI-RICARDO, 2004; 2005; 2019; COELHO et al., 2015). Thus, we hope that the student, from the knowledge built in the classroom, understands and uses the immense diversity of language grammar more consciously and in different situations of speaking and writing interaction, thus expanding his linguistic competence and vision of language use, so necessary for the development of reflection and understanding of inter (acting) linguistically in social contexts.

Presidente - 1168647 - MARIO LOURENCO DE MEDEIROS
Interna - 1674285 - ANA MARIA DE OLIVEIRA PAZ
Notícia cadastrada em: 26/11/2020 11:49
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