Piano instruction for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Musical education and ADHD; Piano Instruction and ADHD; Musical inclusion
This dissertation aims to investigate piano instruction for children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), identifying and analyzing pedagogical strategies used in this educational process. The study recognizes the potential in ADHD and embraces the concept of neurodiversity, emphasizing the paradoxical role of neurological conditions in revealing latent abilities. The dissertation discusses ADHD symptoms, especially inattention and hyperactivity, and their impact on learning. Despite the scarcity of studies on piano instruction for students with ADHD, the research seeks to map teaching strategies, filling gaps in knowledge and offering valuable insights for inclusive and effective pedagogical practices. It addresses the limited literature at the intersection of music education and ADHD, aiming to fill this gap. The methodology combines a single-case study and action research, focusing on a child with ADHD attending piano lessons. The research aims to answer questions about current pedagogical strategies, the creation of inclusive environments, and the influence of educational contexts on ADHD students' piano learning experiences. The chosen methodologies allow in-depth analysis and practical strategies to optimize music education for children with ADHD, providing guidance for other educators.