PPGMUS PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM MÚSICA ESCOLA DE MÚSICA Teléfono/Ramal: (84) 99474-6734 https://posgraduacao.ufrn.br/ppgmus


Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 20/12/2018
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Sala 22 Escola de Musica

Musical learning by digital technologies, under the optics of complexity: an action-research with guitarists of the extension course of UFRN


Musical learning; Complex thinking; Digital technologies; Configuration of learning sources; Learn guitarists.

GRANDE ÁREA: Linguística, Letras e Artes
ÁREA: Artes

In contemporary times, with all the advancement of science and technology, people are using a variety of digital technologies to search for information from a variety of backgrounds, including education, which has enabled people to learn various subjects on their own or with the participation of these resources. In this sense, guitarists learn music by joining diverse sources of learning (such as a puzzle in the perspective of complexity), among them softwares, varied websites, downloaded files and even online courses. This work has brought several authors and works important for its theoretical structuring, among the main ones: Morin (1999; 2000; 2003; 2015), Almeida (2012), Engel (2000), Serres (2013), Cernev (2013; 2016), Pequini (2016), Henderson Filho (2015), Prensky (2001; 2009), Beltrame (2014; 2017), Gohn (2003; 2007; 2009; 2013), Vanzela (2016; 2018), Mota (2016) e Cuervo (2012). In this way, this research has as main objective to investigate, from the point of view of complexity, the musical learning through digital technologies of guitarists of Curso de Iniciação à Guitarra Elétrica - CIGE of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN.  To reach this goal, the path to specific objectives that will guide the proposal: 1-To know the musical trajectory of CIGE guitarists; 2-Identify what digital technologies are being used by guitarists to learn music; 3-Check how these technologies are being used by guitarists to structure their learning networks; and 4-Understand how guitarists shape their sources of musical learning in the construction of knowledge. As a methodological process I will bring a qualitative approach, I will appropriate the Action Research to use as research method and as the main instrument for data construction I will use semi-structured interviews with five guitarists from the Course of Initiation to Electric Guitar. However, for the qualification text I have incorporated only two of the interviews for the data construction chapter. As the main results of this investigation, extracted from the speeches of the interviewees, I explain that: the guitarists spoke several technological possibilities that they use to learn music, which together form learning networks constituted by tec hnological sources. These networks are characterized by being multilevel, unlimited, organized, associated, linked and loaded with information from various scopes, as well as grouped momentarily in one way and then modified to another form, forming a co mplex of knowledge. These networks are unconsciously created with or without the help of someone, since all have the ability to create their understandings, including musical ones, which allowed the diversity of cultures and music in different places of the planet. The guitarists formulate their networks in a configured way, joining parts that were separated by lifelong paradigms, as well as hierarchizing and organizing in a way that makes sense for that moment, thus building a knowledge. Thus, the configuration of the learning sources (networks) is structured by the knowledge formulated from past experiences, added to the new knowledge built by the learning sources, and can be mediated by music teachers or directed by the own experience (autonomy).

Externo à Instituição - FRANCINE KEMMER CERNEV - UnB
Presidente - 1648016 - JEAN JOUBERT FREITAS MENDES
Externo à Instituição - JUCIANE ARALDI BELTRAME - UFPB
Notícia cadastrada em: 03/12/2018 08:23
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