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DATE: 22/12/2020
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Sala virtual:



clonal propagation, morphoanatomy, seedling production

PAGES: 113
BIG AREA: Ciências Agrárias
AREA: Recursos Florestais e Engenharia Florestal
  • Mimosa caesalpiniifolia is a forest species with great potential for the sustainable exploitation of wood in the Northeast region of Brazil, being considered a competitive source of renewable energy due to its rapid growth. However, the production of seedlings with quality and quantity still represents an obstacle in the silvicultural development of the species. Thus, vegetative propagation can allow the cultivation of seedlings with high physiological and sanitary quality in reduced space and time, optimizing large-scale production. This work aimed to define a vegetative propagation methodology for the species M. caesalpiniifolia by minicutting, aiming at the commercial production of seedlings. Specifically, the objective was to evaluate the influence of indolebutyric acid and leaf reduction on adventitious rooting in shoots from individuals with and without thorns, as well as the objective of studying the dynamics and morphoanatomy of adventitious rooting. For this purpose, the mini garden in masonry canals was produced from the collection and planting of seeds, which after installed provided sprouts to build the mini garden in polyethylene pots, it was established from selected phenotypes of M. caesalpiniifolia based on the presence and absence of thorns.As standard for all experiments, the minicuttings were made using apic shoots with 10 cm in length, keeping two pairs of leaves. Cutting occurred in 55 cm³ tubes containing organic BioPlant substrate®. All evaluations were performed at 30, 37 and 60 days, ascertaining the percentage of rooting, percentage of roots observed at the lower end of the tubes, length of shoots, diameter of the minicuttings, number of shoots, number of roots at the base of the minicuttings and fresh and dry biomass of the aerial part and root system. For the analysis of the concentration of indolebutyric acid in both types of systems (masonry canals and vessels) 4 concentrations (0, 2000, 4000 and 8000 mg L-1) were used. The influence of leaf reduction on the rooting of minicuttings was tested by evaluating the complete reduction of leaves (100%), reduction of 50% and the use of leaves without reduction of the area (0%). In the dynamics of adventitious rooting, evaluations were performed every ten days, observing the percentage of minicuttings with some degree of modification, oxidation of the base, presence of calluses and percentage of rooted minicuttings, as well as the average length of the roots and the largest root. For morphoanatomy, histological slides from the region of origin of the roots in the minicuttings were produced. In the minicuttings of individuals with and without thorn, the best results regarding adventitious rooting are observed when using acupic and intermediate shoots, respectively. The mini-strains propagated via seeds and managed in a sand canal system and the mini-strains propagated via minicutting and managed in pots produce similar results regarding adventitious rooting. The shoots from both mini-strains via seeds and mini-strains obtained via minicutting behave equally as to adventitious rooting. Para adventitious rooting in the minicuttings of individuals with thorns there is no need to use IBA, however, for individuals without thorns it is recommended concentrations of IBA between 4000 and 8000 mg L-1. The 50% of leaf reduction area is indicated for vegetative propagation via minicutting of M. caesalpiniifolia in individuals with and without thorns. Moreover, the rooting speed is different for individuals with and without thorns and the characterization of morphoanatomy in minicuttings indicates that there are no anatomical barriers in the rooting of minicuttings, with roots arising from the procambium.

Presidente - 025.352.445-86 - POLIANA COQUEIRO DIAS - UFERSA
Externo à Instituição - CANTÍDIO FERNANDO GOUVEA - UFS
Externa à Instituição - SEFORA GIL GOMES DE FARIAS - UFPI
Externo à Instituição - RICARDO GALLO
Notícia cadastrada em: 13/12/2020 08:49
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