Water Sports; Metaphysical Mind-Body Relations; Physical Education and
To think about the movement of the body in water is to admire the strength of this body in
life. In this sense, our study is a research guided by the qualitative approach, with a cross-
section of the studied population, analyzed, in the methodological process, by Merleau-
Ponty's phenomenology. The study has as its general objective to discuss the conceptions of
the athletes of Artistic Swimming in order to expand the meanings of the body in this sport for
Physical Education. Its specific objectives are: to understand the conceptions of the athletes of
Artistic Swimming about the body; to understand the technical, aesthetic and artistic
meanings of the body in Artistic Swimming; and to highlight how the performances of
Artistic Swimming can expand the knowledge of the body for Physical Education. The
participants of the research were the athletes of the Senior category of a traditional sports club
in Brazil. Data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews and observation.
Data analysis occurred through description, reduction and interpretation of the phenomenon
studied. From this perspective, the body and artistic swimming will be interpreted and
understood as unique senses and meanings are created about them, involving the
understanding of significant records and the search for the delimitation of nuclei of meanings
in the interpretation of gestures, physiognomies and intersubjective understandings about
sports performances in the light of phenomenology as an epistemic current. It is expected that
this research will contribute to Physical Education, providing support for rethinking the
concepts that guide the sport in question, in order to understand its weaknesses and
potentialities, discussed from technical, aesthetic and artistic aspects. Thus, these elements are
relevant to broaden conceptions about the body without disregarding the contexts of motor
development, competitiveness and creativity of the athletes themselves. In this way, this study
seeks to fill the persistent gaps in the literature due to the scarcity of empirical investigations
that contemplate a sensitive look at the topic, sometimes treated from a dichotomous and
reductionist view of the body.