PPGDEM/CCET PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM DEMOGRAFIA ADMINISTRAÇÃO DO CCET Téléphone/Extension: (84) 99474-6779 https://posgraduacao.ufrn.br/ppgdem


Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 06/05/2024
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Videoconferência

Analysis of the profiles of migration networks in Brazil: contemporary trends in the spatial distribution of the population in the years 1991, 2000, 2010 and 2022.


Internal migration; Spatial migration networks; Graph theory; Population distribution.

BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Demografia

Brazil experienced a productive restructuring and economic decentralization in the 1970s, resulting in "population deconcentration." Internal migrations became significant, driving social changes over the decades, especially in industrialization and urbanization. This movement was influenced by the advanced stage of demographic transition, with mortality stabilization and fertility decline. In the 1980s, changes occurred in migration directions, with an increase in movements within regions and states, as well as return movements to the Northeast, due to industrial decentralization and regional development. The negative migratory balance decreased over time, reflecting a context of economic and social changes. Internal migrations became more reversible, influenced by constantly changing economic, political, and social factors. Analysis of spatial migration networks reveals connections between origin and destination locations, allowing for a dynamic and multifaceted understanding of migratory movements. Graph Theory is applied to model these complex relationships, assisting in the understanding of migratory dynamics. Despite the reduction in the volume of internal migrations, contemporary trends point to new specificities in the process. The proposed study aims to fill gaps in understanding these networks, analyzing migratory profiles over time and their sociodemographic influences. The analysis of spatial migration networks emerges as a relevant approach to understanding the dynamics of population redistribution in Brazil. This doctoral thesis aims to explore changes in migration networks over time, identifying patterns and socio-economic and cultural influences. The goal is to fill gaps in understanding internal migratory flows, using advanced methods of network analysis and graph theory, with the aim of answering the following questions: How do spatial migration networks help understand the dynamics of spatial population distribution in Brazil and what are the new migration trends?

Interno - 1422122 - JÁRVIS CAMPOS
Externo à Instituição - REINALDO ONOFRE DOS SANTOS
Interno - ***.396.358-** - WILSON FUSCO - FJN
Externo à Instituição - ÁLVARO DE OLIVEIRA D'ANTONA
Notícia cadastrada em: 17/04/2024 19:28
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