PPGDEM/CCET PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM DEMOGRAFIA ADMINISTRAÇÃO DO CCET Téléphone/Extension: (84) 99474-6779 https://posgraduacao.ufrn.br/ppgdem


Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 18/12/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Videoconferência via Gerência de Redes do CCET/UFRN

The impact of deaths from external causes during the young adult age range on the variability of age at death in Brazil from 2000 to 2020


mortality; variability of age at death; external causes

BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Demografia

From 1940 onwards there was a change in Brazil's morbidity and mortality profile, which made the compression-rectangularization process possible to be observed in the country. However, even though the change in the Brazilian morbidity and mortality profile may have facilitated the possible occurrence of this process, premature deaths can act as a brake. Among the main causes of premature deaths worldwide are the so-called external causes, which represent an important portion of deaths. It is explained that external causes are the main causes that make up the demographic phenomenon of the mortality hump. Therefore, the general objective of this work is to evaluate the impact of deaths from external causes in the age period of young adults on the variability of age at death in the Federative Units (UFs) of Brazil in the period determined between 2000 and 2020. The aim is to determine also which causes of death contributed most to excess mortality among young Brazilian adults and calculate measures of location, extension and dimensioning of the estimated mortality humps. As a result, it was observed that the mortality humps estimated for men through the SSE are higher than those estimated for women. Among men, in general, it was observed that for the states of the North and Northeast there was a considerable increase in magnitude measurements between 2010 and 2020. For the states of the Southeast and South, the trend observed was an increase in these measurements between 2000 and 2010. For women, the variations in these measurements presented were smaller. The main causes of death observed among young adult men are violence and traffic accidents. Among women, the main causes of death observed among young adults are violence, traffic accidents and complications during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. Using age-at-death variability measurements, it was possible to conclude that if the mortality hump component estimated by the SSE were disregarded, the DIM and C50 measurements would suffer reductions, accompanied by increases in the median age at death and deviation. pattern for both sexes and in all years. When analyzing the DP it is seen that there would be an increase in the DP when removing the hump component. Despite this, it can be stated that a decrease in the variability of age at death is observed for Brazil in all states analyzed. The study developed could contribute to the correct direction of public policies in Brazil in the area of health in an attempt to reduce deaths from external causes, especially among young adults.

Externo à Instituição - ALANE SIQUEIRA ROCHA - UFC
Externo à Instituição - BERNARDO LANZA QUEIROZ - UFMG
Interno - 1016026 - JOSE VILTON COSTA
Presidente - 2002253 - MARCOS ROBERTO GONZAGA
Notícia cadastrada em: 06/12/2023 15:17
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