PPGDEM/CCET PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM DEMOGRAFIA ADMINISTRAÇÃO DO CCET Téléphone/Extension: (84) 99474-6779 https://posgraduacao.ufrn.br/ppgdem


Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 15/08/2017
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Sala 04 do DDCA

Daily communiting in Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza, Recife and Salvador: evidences according to the migration condition

Despite of the Demographic Census presents information about pendular mobility since 1970, the data were limited only to identification of the volume of people who performed it. Over time there has been improvement of the census points that capture this displacement. Today, from a set of variables, it is possible to detect the intensity, the direction, the profile of the population that moves daily to a municipality different from the one of residence, either for the purpose of working or studying, and even the time spent with the movement. This need for improvement was due to the intense growth observed since 1980 in the number of individuals involved in this phenomenon, expanding their living spaces, as well as their importance in terms of decentralization, integration and complementarity of economic activity among municipalities. Thus, commuting displacements, especially those motivated by work because they are higher in volume per study, have the capacity to influence the way of population organization in space, mainly metropolitan, causing changes in the demands for public politics, work, education, housing, health, transport, etc. That way, it is important to contribute to the analysis of the recent evolution of these flows, detecting the points of origin / destination and outlining the profile of the commuters who move to work in the Metropolitan Regions of the Northeast (Fortaleza, Recife and Salvador), given the scarcity of research that addresses this issue, further comparing these three metropolis during two periods (2000 and 2010). In this sense, based on the hypothesis that migrants have better qualifications and income than non-migrants, this dissertation has as main objective to analyze the differences in terms of occupational insertion existing between migrants and non-migrants who performed the pendularity in the Metropolitan Regions of Fortaleza ( RMF), Recife (RMR) and Salvador (RMS) in 2000 and 2010 according to the type of intrametropolitan migratory flow (Nucleus-Periphery, Periphery-Nucleus and Periphery-Periphery).     


Commuting; Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza; Metropolitan Region of Recife; Metropolitan Region of Salvador

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
ÁREA: Demografia

Despite of the Demographic Census presents information about pendular mobility since 1970, the data were limited only to identification of the volume of people who performed it. Over time there has been improvement of the census points that capture this displacement. Today, from a set of variables, it is possible to detect the intensity, the direction, the profile of the population that moves daily to a municipality different from the one of residence, either for the purpose of working or studying, and even the time spent with the movement. This need for improvement was due to the intense growth observed since 1980 in the number of individuals involved in this phenomenon, expanding their living spaces, as well as their importance in terms of decentralization, integration and complementarity of economic activity among municipalities. Thus, commuting displacements, especially those motivated by work because they are higher in volume per study, have the capacity to influence the way of population organization in space, mainly metropolitan, causing changes in the demands for public politics, work, education, housing, health, transport, etc. That way, it is important to contribute to the analysis of the recent evolution of these flows, detecting the points of origin / destination and outlining the profile of the commuters who move to work in the Metropolitan Regions of the Northeast (Fortaleza, Recife and Salvador), given the scarcity of research that addresses this issue, further comparing these three metropolis during two periods (2000 and 2010). In this sense, based on the hypothesis that migrants have better qualifications and income than non-migrants, this dissertation has as main objective to analyze the differences in terms of occupational insertion existing between migrants and non-migrants who performed the pendularity in the Metropolitan Regions of Fortaleza ( RMF), Recife (RMR) and Salvador (RMS) in 2000 and 2010 according to the type of intrametropolitan migratory flow (Nucleus-Periphery, Periphery-Nucleus and Periphery-Periphery).     

Interno - 1880578 - RICARDO OJIMA
Externo à Instituição - SILVANA NUNES DE QUEIROZ - URCA
Presidente - 102.396.358-25 - WILSON FUSCO - FJN
Notícia cadastrada em: 02/08/2017 09:58
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