Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 31/08/2017
HORA: 14:00
FAMILY AND CHEMICAL DEPENDENCE IN CONTEMPORARYITY: the place of the family in drug policy


Chemical dependence. Codependency. Family. Policy on Drugs.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
ÁREA: Serviço Social
SUBÁREA: Fundamentos do Serviço Social

The present work aims at analyzing the family and chemical dependency in the contemporary world, emphasizing the discussion of the place of the family in drug policy. It addresses the discussion about drug use and abuse and chemical dependency (understood as disease) and its repercussion in the family institution in the context of Brazilian society, also showing current drug policies and the path of advances and setbacks inserted in the perspective of the Reform Sanitary In addition, a discussion is brought about the family and its new configurations in the contemporary world, presenting its place in the face of the disease of chemical dependence and drug policy. Family is in the process of becoming ill as well as the dependent chemist, developing codependency. It has as general objective to analyze the family of the individual affected by the disease of the chemical dependence within the mental health institutions in the municipality of Nata / RN, demarking its place in the mental health policy, its visibility, its protagonism and its challenges. The specific objectives are: To analyze the socio-historical determinants that influence the configuration of public policies in the area of mental health, demarcating the way in which they are responding to the growing demand of the disease of the chemical dependence and the place of the family in the agenda of these policies; To analyze the actions developed in the institutions dedicated to the treatment of chemical dependence, bearing in mind the bond or not of these institutions to the proposal of the Reform Psychiatrist and Antimanicomial Struggle; To identify how (and if it occurs) the attention to families (codependentes) during the treatment process of the user of psychoactive substances (SPA) - chemical dependent; To analyze the aspects that denote the visibility, the protagonism and the challenges of the relatives in the process of treatment, in the condition of codependentes. The paper articulates in its methodological course a bibliographical research, associated with a field research, in which a semistructured interview was applied with the research subjects, professionals of the institutions of the research universe and family members who during the period of field research were with some member Of their family in treatment. Regarding the results obtained in this research, it is important to highlight the position of the research subjects (health professionals and family members) in relation to the current services aimed at the treatment of chemical dependency and follow-up with the family, which in the scope of public mental health policy Becomes increasingly precarious. Concluding, therefore, the need to give greater visibility to the problematic of chemical dependence and the fragile strategies of coping with this problem that is configured as an expression of the social question; Requiring a differentiated look for all the actors involved in it: user, family and society.

Externo à Instituição - ADNA REJANE FREITAS REGO - UnP
Externo ao Programa - 1543230 - ELIANA COSTA GUERRA
Externo ao Programa - 2314135 - ILKA DE LIMA SOUZA
Presidente - 6347119 - MARIA CELIA CORREIA NICOLAU
Notícia cadastrada em: 21/08/2017 10:49
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