PPCivam PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM ENGENHARIA CIVIL E AMBIENTAL CENTRO DE TECNOLOGIA Téléphone/Extension: (84) 99474-6685 https://posgraduacao.ufrn.br/ppcivam


Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 11/12/2023
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: meet.google.com/zfu-gofx-gyv

Parametric analysis of the distribution of internal forces due to moving loads in widened decks of skewed girder bridges


skewed bridges, widening, distribution of internal forces.

BIG AREA: Engenharias
AREA: Engenharia Civil
SUBÁREA: Estruturas
SPECIALTY: Estruturas de Concreto

The road system participates significantly in the Brazilian transport matrix, with bridges being essential elements for the full implementation of the road network. Currently, Brazil is witnessing an increase in road traffic demand from larger, heavier and more numerous vehicles. Furthermore, the requirements necessary for the design of road bridges, present in the relevant guidelines, have undergone several adjustments over the last few years, which has led to old bridges not meeting the new design specifications, needing to be subjected to interventions, among which the widening of decks. Bridges that are subjected to the widening procedure begin to present a new distribution of internal forces, this distribution being more complex in the case of skewed bridges, due to their structural configuration. However, the expansion of existing skewed bridges is still little investigated in the scientific community. The objective of this research is, therefore, to evaluate the distribution of internal forces (due to moving loads) in widened skewed bridge decks through a parametric analysis, considering the variation in deck stiffness. To this end, analytical and numerical models were be developed – via the Finite Element Method (FEM) – of skewed bridges, which had variable quantities of girders and skew angles, in order to denote the behavior of such bridges in relation to different structural models and, thus, making it possible to analyze the influence of widening on the transversal distribution of moving loads, in addition to the influence of the compressive strength of the concrete in the widened region. The internal stress distribution analysis carried out can be applied by structural designers in the safe and economical design of widened span bridges.

Presidente - 1752508 - DANIEL NELSON MACIEL
Externo ao Programa - 1515200 - JOSE NERES DA SILVA FILHO - UFRNExterno ao Programa - 2087565 - RODRIGO BARROS - UFRN
Notícia cadastrada em: 29/11/2023 15:43
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