PPGEP/CT PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO CENTRO DE TECNOLOGIA Téléphone/Extension: (84) 99419-2373 https://posgraduacao.ufrn.br/pep


Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 11/04/2018
HORA: 15:30
LOCAL: Auditório do NUPEP

Development of a performance indicators system for family farming


Family agriculture. Agroecology. Performance indicators. Ergonomics. Sustainability.

GRANDE ÁREA: Engenharias
ÁREA: Engenharia de Produção

Family farming is the type of agricultural production with the largest number of establishments in Brazil, however the profits of this type of production are much lower than those obtained by the agroindustry. The current worry with the conservation of natural resources, with food sovereignty and with the health of the farmers and consumers, causes a search for agroecological and / or organic productions. Among the problems faced by family farmers, stands out the difficulties in the management of production and its business, and part of this is due to the lack or shortage of precise information on how much is used of inputs, how much of the waste generated is re- used in the production (fertilizer, animal feed), how much of reject (non-usable part) is generated, how much of what was planted is produced, how much is sold, how much becomes seed , how much of seed is replanted or sold or exchanged for another element, how much of what is produced is exchanged (barter), etc. It is assumed that this happens both in the properties whose planting is monoculture and in those of a consortium system (planting of several crops with each other or with animal production). This weakness is observed in family agricultural production makes the respective farmers more vulnerable to losses, to indebtedness, to the decapitalization of investments and to the crisis, which places the activity at risk of unfeasibility with a strong social impact, such as the subsistence of the farmers' families , unemployment , decrease or extinction of family income, family breakdown, weakening of the regional agricultural market and therefore, local supply, less money circulation, emigration, among others. Based on that, the aim of this project is to develop and to provide a performance indicators system to be used in the family farming, that would be useful and easy to the farmers work with it, in order to auxiliate them to control the production, the productivity, the sustainability, the sells and profits, so they could take the needed decisions to a continuous improvement of this activity. Therefore, an initial bibliographical research will be carried out on the performance indicators in the technical-scientific literature for family farming. Then, it will be used the participative and situated method of the Ergonomic Analysis of Work - EAW in order to develop a performance indicators system that will be used by the family farmers of "Zé Maria do Tomé Camp in Limoeiro do Norte - CE", through the following steps: a) Exploratory research of the place chosen for the study, with the purpose of knowing the socio-demographic and economic characteristics, the overall production operation, the commercialization of the products and what are the requirements of the focus activity that family farmers wish to monitor; b) presentation of the indicators identified in the literature search to family farmers, technicians working in this type of culture (from funding agencies and technical support to this type of activity), academics and other relevant actors, to point which of these indicators should be on the indicators system to be used on family farms at the place of study; c) requesting these actors to introduce other possible indicators that, by chance, are not included in the presented list, but it may be of interest; d) the formulation of the performance indicators system of family farming (AGRIFAM-INDEX), based on the indicators pointed out by the actors consulted; e) implementation of the family farm performance indicator system formulated on at least one family farm - case study / pilot experiment - for the test-tune loop (adjustments if necessary) and validation at the place of study. It is expected with this project, to assist family farmers to monitor and make decisions, and, therefore, in sustainable management of production and business.

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Notícia cadastrada em: 02/04/2018 14:04
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