PPGEP/CT PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO CENTRO DE TECNOLOGIA Téléphone/Extension: (84) 99419-2373 https://posgraduacao.ufrn.br/pep


Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 07/12/2017
HORA: 08:00
LOCAL: Sala 222- CTEC

BASIC MODEL OF DESIGN PROCESSES FOR VERTICAL BUILDING COMPANIES: In search of reduction of wastes due to lack of compatibility between projects


Design process. Waste. Compatibility. Vertical Buildings. Building construction.

GRANDE ÁREA: Engenharias
ÁREA: Engenharia de Produção

Within the production patterns in which civil construction is based, there is the consumption of a considerable portion of exhaustible natural resources, and this industry is also responsible for significant losses in its production processes with large generation of waste at world levels. Results of several researches in the area point out that significant causes of losses, reflected in an increase in the generation of Civil Construction Waste (CCW), are the incompatibilities between the projects, which are only detected at the moment of execution of the building. Thus, to eliminate or minimize the avoidable losses (waste), it is necessary to act in the origin of the cause of its occurrence, being able from the conception (design phase) to the production phase (execution of the building). In view of this scenario, considering the stage of project development (design phase) as the starting point of the constructions and that its processes exert influence in all constructive process and final product, through an exploratory-descriptive study, with a qualitative approach , the objective of this study was to propose a model of a vertical building design process with a view to reducing the problems of incompatibility of projects, focusing on the reduction of losses manifested during the execution of the building. The research universe consisted of three building companies, which were registered with Sinduscon-JP and, at the time of the research, had constructions active. As a way of achieving the proposed objective, it was necessary to know the problems and the project processes of the construction companies participating in the study, identifying the flow of information (inputs, outputs and controls), the interrelationships among process components design), in contrast to the literature models. At the end of the study, it was possible to develop a basic design process model with the clear delineation of the actions to be developed by the agents of the design process, in accordance with the reality already practiced in the companies, supporting the future application, emphasizing the activities of critical analysis, compatibility and approval of projects, and also the use of information technology to assist in the communication and coordination of projects, in the form of the use of data sharing tools. By comparing the proposed model with the reference models, it is more consistent, providing a broad view of the whole process, enabling improvements in faulty or faulty management, increasing the participation and communication among process agents, reflecting in compatible with distribution and alteration control, reducing the loss-causing links in the execution of the building.

Externo à Instituição - ALEXSANDRA ROCHA MEIRA - IFPB
Presidente - 1723208 - CILIANA REGINA COLOMBO
Externo ao Programa - 1717461 - LUCIANA DE FIGUEIREDO LOPES LUCENA
Notícia cadastrada em: 08/11/2017 08:16
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