The Materiality of Everyday Tectonics in online technical journals with emphasis in Buildings with Mixed-Use in Latin America (2000-2021).
Materiality, Everyday tectonics, Contemporary architecture, Buildings with mixed-use, Analysis of projects.
The relationship between materiality and everyday tectonics makes it possible to comprehend better the identification of constructive aspects that valorize the dialogue of the architectural form with surrounding and facilitate the integration between people and the environment with an inviting atmosphere, mainly a corporate environment use with potential of human coexistence. However, literature about contemporary architecture indicates a methodological lack of comprehension of the everyday tectonic’s formal design. This research pretends to emphasize this theoretical study on analysis of buildings with mixed-use (commerce and service) in Latin America. These buildings are architectonic types that have marketing influence that, generally, incorporate few design solutions at the architectural form that valorize the everyday from the materiality and the tectonics, although there are proposals that facilitate this relationship. Thus, the research point to the problem question: how can the materiality of architecture facilitate the identification of everyday tectonics in buildings with mixed-use (commerce and service) in Latin America? The research hypothesis sustains that design solutions for buildings with mixed-use (commerce and service) better provide indoor-outdoor relationships from access, building height, facade activity, spatial continuity, visual permeability, legible materials, and legible structural systems facilitate everyday tectonics on the types of buildings studied. The study object treated the relationship between materiality and everyday tectonics in buildings with mixed-use, prioritizing potential areas for living space. The aim is to identify and understand the constructive materiality as a facilitator of everyday tectonics, and the relationship of the building with mixed-use and people. The universe of analysis are the types of buildings in Latin America between 2000 – 2021 years and selected in technical journals with free access. The research method was developed principaly from a theoretical framework with authors that talk about architectural form and detail (structural and materials characteristics), interior architecture, architectural permeability, scale builds, and context, creating four great categories of analysis: (1) Geometric aspects from parts to the whole; (2) Transition spaces indoor-outdoor; (3) Relationship between people and the scale of the building and its details; (4) Material and structural dimension like facilitators of human perception. The partial results considered seven builts that remained above the average of the most desirable score and got high scores in the access assimilation and the visual permeability between the external sidewalk and the Building. The structural system with concrete and steel was the most predominant, the degree of the light brightness was more evident and the building height did not prove to be an essential item to reach major or minor notes at the everyday tectonics expression. The results obtained tend to confirm the hypothesis and contribute to the knowledge of design solutions of contemporary architecture that facilitate the relationship between materiality and everyday tectonics and, consequently, in a greater rapprochement between buildings with mixed-use and people.