Postgraduate Program in Bioinformatics
The Life Sciences, especially branches of biomedicine and health are becoming "data-intensive sciences". Today we have a huge volume and diversity of complex, multidimensional, poorly structured, and noisy data. This has created an increasing need for integrative analysis and modeling of this data. However, they must be analyzed through biological lens, taking into account the particularities of living systems. It is in this context that Bioinformatics acts, currently representing one of the pillars of life sciences and the fastest growing industry globally, Biotechnology.
In spite of such importance, there is a shortage of professionals in the area due mainly to its multidisciplinary nature and the competition of the information technology market. The lack of human resources is felt on two fronts. In the academy the shortage of bioinformatics graduates brings serious damages to the development of other areas of life sciences, among them medicine. The second front represents the productive sector where the presence of bioinformatics professionals is becoming more and more necessary. Bioinformatics has grown in importance in recent years with the development of DNA sequencing and proteomics technologies and it is estimated that the bottleneck generated by the lack of human resources will become even more critical in the coming years and decades.
It was precisely to meet these needs, both in the Northeast and in Brazil, that the Digital Metropolis Institute (IMD-UFRN) created the Post-Graduate Program in Bioinformatics (PPg-Bioinfo). The program was approved by CAPES in 2015 and began its activities in February 2016, with concept score 5. This is a multidisciplinary program involving teachers and researchers from various areas of activity, such as the IMD, Brain Institute, Departments of Biophysics, Biophysics, Genetics, Computing and Automation, Pharmacy and Electrical Engineering, totaling 30 professors (permanent + collaborators), 23 of UFRN, 6 of other higher education institutions throughout the country (USP, UFMG, UFRGS, UFPB and UERN) and one from the University of Chile (UChile).
Area of Concentration and Lines of Research
1) Area of concentration: Bioinformatics
2) Lines of Research:
Genomics: Processing, integration and analysis of data from new sequencing technologies.
Systems biology: Mathematical and computational modeling for the integration of biological data in order to increase the degree of comprehension about complex systems.
Development of products and processes: Support and innovation for new and existing biotechnology companies and for other production sectors.
Academic Master’s
1) Program Objective
In the current growth rate of bioinformatics in the country, a considerable increase in the demand for professionals with a master's degree is expected. With the establishment of an academic master's we intend to fuel a productive cycle composed by i) the PhD program in Bioinformatics itself, ii) other doctoral programs in related areas (eg Biochemistry, Renorbio, Health Sciences at UFRN and other courses in other HEIs in the country) and iii) the productive sector of Rio Grande do Norte and other North / Northeast states). Within this context, the program will offer courses that will enable students both to enter doctoral programs as well as to work in the productive sector. The curriculum of the master's degree program aims to offer students the necessary tools both for the execution of their respective projects as well as their insertion in the job market related to the area.
2) Postrgaduate’s profile
Masters in Bioinformatics will be able to disseminate knowledge in teaching and provide training in various aspects of Bioinformatics. It is also hoped that the trained masters will be able to work in the productive sector in the areas of health, agriculture, shrimp farming, among others. The importance given to entrepreneurship in the program will allow graduates to act in the establishment of startups.
Doctoral degree
1) Program Objective
The main objective of the doctorate in the proposed program is to train scientists and teachers with solid training in Bioinformatics. It is intended that students also have a lower compulsory workload and can choose more customized disciplines for their scientific interests. It is worth mentioning that entrepreneurship will continue to be an important aspect in the training of doctoral students and it is hoped that among the graduates, several may act as entrepreneurs by creating startups in the area.
2) Graduate Profile
Doctors in bioinformatics will be able to develop scientific research projects independently developing new concepts and generating technological innovation. Doctors trained can act as Professors in undergraduate programs.
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Bioinformática (PPg-Bioinfo)
Sede do Centro Multiusuário de Bioinformática do Instituto Metrópole Digital (BioME)
Av. Odilon Gomes de Lima 1722
Bairro: Capim Macio, CEP 59078-400
Natal, RN, Brasil.
Telephones: +55 (84) 99480-6818 (Whatsapp) / +55 (84) 3342-2216 - Ramal 123
Página oficial do programa:
Office Hours:
Monday to Friday, from 7h30 to 12h00 and from 12h30 to 16h.
Faculty Staff:
Jessica Petrovich (
Aldo Carielo do Nascimento Filho (
Guilherme Fernandes de Araújo ( - IT Analyst
Telephone number: (84) 99480-6818
Telephone number 2: (84) 3342-2216/123
Telephone number: Not available at this moment
Telephone number 2: Not available at this moment
E-mail: Not available at this moment