
The purpose of the Professional Master's Degree in the Teaching of History of the Humanities, Letters and Arts Center of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte is to provide continuing education that contributes to improving the quality of teaching of History in Basic Education, with a view to providing the graduated student with certified qualification to practice the profession of History teacher.

The PROFHistória/UFRN is part of the national network of professional master's degree in the Teaching of History (PROFHISTÓRIA), whose anchor institution is the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).


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The PROFHISTÓRIA has one Area of Concentration: Teaching of History. Three Lines of Research are linked to this Area of Concentration: Historical Knowledge in the School Space; Historical Languages and Narratives: Production and Dissemination; and Historical Knowledge in Different Memory Spaces.

Description of the Area of Concentration

Area of Concentration: Teaching of History

Description: How historical knowledge can contribute to a reflection on the relationship between past / present / future, permeated by remembrance, forgetfulness and by the expectations of individuals and groups, taking into consideration that remembering and forgetting are fundamental aspects of life in society, of the cultural identities and of the political belonging? Starting from this issue, the graduate studies with emphasis in Teaching of History is geared towards to two complementary demands. On the one hand, to the demand for a reflection on school education, taking into consideration its knowledge and practices, as well as the relationship with the discipline of reference. On the other hand, to the need to understand the multiple ways of teaching and learning history prevailing in the contemporary society, beyond the school, which continually stress both the professional historiography and the teaching of the subject at its different levels. This is because the current movement toward memory and the struggle for rights has contributed to aggravate the disputes over the writing and teaching of history, diversifying its forms and promoting multiple uses (and abuses) of the past. It is up to the professional of the area to investigate this complex movement and the varied resources to the historical knowledge, in order to understand the historicity of the experiences and the many possibilities of writing and teaching history.


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Program Coordination


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    Telephone number 2: Not available at this moment


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