
The purpose of the Professional Master's Degree in Letters in National Network (PROFLETRAS) is the education/training of Portuguese Language Teachers for teaching in Fundamental Education, with a view to contributing to the improvement of the quality of teaching in Brazil. PROFLETRAS is a blended program (involving in-person and distance learning) with national simultaneous offer, under the Open University of Brazil (UAB) System, leading to the awarding of the title of Master of Letters. This master's degree has as its area of concentration "Language and Literacy" and presents the following lines of research: I - Theories of Language and Teaching; II - Reading and Textual Production: social diversity and teaching practices.

Management 2018-2020:

Profa. Dr. Alessandra Castilho Ferreira da Costa - Coordinator

Phone: 84 9 9131-8858


Profa. Dr. Glícia Marili Azevedo de Medeiros Tinoco - Vice-Coordinator

Phone: 84 9 9418-6303

E-mail: /

Marcelino Tavares da Oliveira - Secretary

Phone: 84 9 9422-4039


Business hours of the Profletras Natal/RN’s Office:

Monday to Friday: 08:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m.

Postal address of the Profletras Natal/RN’s office:

Av. Senador Salgado Filho, s/n, Campus Universitário, CCHLA - Azulão, Room 303, Departamento de Letras, Natal/RN - Brasil,
CEP 59078-970.

Alternative Address

Program Coordination

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