The Professional Master in Electrical Energy promotes the training of Electrical Engineers through the mastery of the contents and analysis tools of the main phenomena involved with the use of electric power in Electric Power Systems, taking into consideration, mainly but not exclusively, the use of renewable sources for the production of electric power and its access to the electricity grid.
In addition, the program will also have a training line capable of enabling the Electrical Engineer to optimize, analyze and plan Electric Power Systems, as well as adapt the existing networks to accept the connection of loads and generation that need information about the operating state of the network, for its perfect functioning.
The Professional Master Program in Electrical Energy will strengthen the development of a critical mass of electrical energy systems through the training of Electrical Engineering professionals who are preferably in the productive sector, proposing solutions and alternatives in Engineering problems in the field of production, transmission, distribution and consumption of electricity. Thus, we seek to transfer knowledge to society by meeting specific demands and productive arrangements with a view to the national, regional or local development, in addition to promoting the integrated articulation of the vocational training with different demanding entities, aiming to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of public and private organizations and contributing to add competitiveness and increasing productivity in companies, public and private organizations.
The Master in Electrical Energy will be trained to conduct technical-scientific activities in the field of electric energy, increasing the local, regional and national potential of generation, diffusion and use of scientific knowledge in the production process.
The subjects will be taught in the evening shift from Monday to Thursday from 07:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Students must complete a minimum of 24 credits, whose set of subjects is composed of at least 04 mandatory subjects and 02 electives. After completing the credits, the student must present him/herself for the Qualification Examination and, at the end, delivery and public defense of the End-of-Program Project, which may be a patent, software registration, technological prototype or project with technological innovation, within predetermined deadlines.
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