The purpose of the Graduate Program in Music of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (PPGMUS/UFRN) is to train/educate music teachers/lecturers for higher education, as well as interpreters and composers with capacity for the development of scientific research and critical reflection, taking into consideration the processes and dimensions of contemporary artistic production and musical training.
The Program was approved by Resolution No. 069/2012-CONSEPE, dated June 5, 2012 and offers an academic master's degree program, acting in the in-person modality in two lines of research. In the line of research "Processes and dimensions of training in Music" we have professors/lecturers who act in the orientation and research on music training, both from the perspective of student training, and teacher/lecturer training/education. This line of research may accommodate studies of musical training/education in various contexts and dimensions, encompassing practices and knowledge related to the teaching and learning of music in the present time.
In the line of research "Processes and dimensions of artistic production", we have lecturers/professors who are active in the research and performance of Piano, Cello, Conducting, as well as Musical Composition, Percussion and Chamber Music. This line may accommodate research projects focused on the artistic production of the 20th and 21st centuries, encompassing aspects related to musical creation, technique and the training/education of the interpreter. Therefore, it is a line that can accommodate diverse research projects on artistic production in music, especially in what concerns the fields of practice presented.
As for the physical structure, UFRN’s School of Music, where the Program operates, has ample space and one of the best equipped physical structures among the universities of the Brazilian Northeast region with recording studio, rooms, auditoriums and equipped, acclimatized and acoustically prepared labs.
Telephone number: (84) 99474-6734
Telephone number 2: Not available at this moment
Telephone number: (84) 9947-46734
Telephone number 2: Not available at this moment