The Professional Master's in Mathematics in National Network - PROFMAT is a master's degree program (mixing in-person and distance learning) in the field of Mathematics with national offer. It is made up of a network of Higher Education Institutions, in the context of the Open University of Brazil/Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), and coordinated by the Brazilian Mathematics Society (SBM), with the support of the National Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA). PROFMAT emerged through an action induced by CAPES with the scientific community of Mathematics, represented and coordinated by SBM.
The purpose of PROFMAT is to serve primarily Mathematics teachers who work in Basic/Elementary Education, especially in public schools, who seek improvement in their professional training/education, with emphasis on in-depth mastery of mathematical content relevant to teaching.
The PROFMAT conducts annual selection procedures, regulated in calls that describe guidelines and information necessary for the taking of the National Access Examination (ENA) to the program.
The PROFMAT was recommended by CAPES, accredited by the National Education Council (CNE) and validated by the Ministry of Education with a grade 5 (maximum grade for master's degree programs).
PROFMAT meets the needs of the National Education Plan (PNE), Law No. 13005, dated June 25, 2014, which establishes in its Goal 16: to educate/train, at the graduate level, 50% (fifty percent) of the teachers of Basic/Elementary Education, until the last year of validity of this PNE, and guarantee to all professionals of Basic/Elementary Education continuous training in their field of practice, taking into account the needs, demands and contextualizations of the education systems. In addition, PROFMAT also fulfills goals 14, 17 and 18, which deal with (respectively) the need of increasing the number of enrollments in the stricto sensu graduate program; teacher appreciation; and career plan.
PROFMAT has a National Qualification Exam (ENQ) consisting of a single written evaluation, made available twice a year, with open-ended questions, involving the contents of the first four compulsory courses and prepared by the National Commission for the Evaluation of Students. The ENQ tests are digitally depersonalized and corrected in the online correction module of the PROFMAT computer platform.
PROFMAT’s end-of-program project deals with specific topics relevant to the Mathematics curriculum of Basic/Elementary Education with impact in the classroom.
The more than 3,000 PROFMAT’s end-of-program projects may be searched on the following website:
PROFMAT has more than 412 available video lessons. You may access them at
Telephone number: (84) 9999-5461
Telephone number 2: Not available at this moment
Telephone number: Not available at this moment
Telephone number 2: Not available at this moment