
The Graduate Program in Animal Production of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) in close association with the Federal University of the Semi-Arid (UFERSA) began in 2009 at the master's level and underwent the first evaluation in the triennium 2010 -2012, achieving concept 3. PPGPA is a pioneer in the area of Graduate studies in Animal Science in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, which makes it fundamental to solve problems demanded by the local and regional society, as well as to boost the development of the area in Rio Grande do Norte and the Northeast Region as a whole, projecting them in this way in the national and international scenarios.

The PPGPA has been evaluated in its academic structure and systematically redirected to meet the current and future needs of animal production, and its objective is the formation of a critical mass of highly qualified human resources, able to develop projects aimed at solving the problems of the zootechnical area. The PPGPA has contributed in a remarkable way in the formation of qualified professionals for research and teaching, with graduates who today occupy prominent places in public and private institutions of the agricultural sector of the country, besides those who have entered in training programs in doctoral level.

In the State of Rio Grande do Norte, agriculture is of fundamental importance and contributes significantly to the economy of this unit of the Federation. The state's agricultural sector has expanded in the last decades and requires the training of specialized labor, as well as research aimed at generating new technologies applied to the reality of the State. According to IBGE (2011), the RN has a total of 1,047,797 cattle, 2,547 buffaloes, 45,100 horses, 20,997 mules, 51,448 pigs, 587,096 sheep, 406,616 goats, 193,187 pigs, 2,780,284 chickens, chickens, chickens and roosters, 2,161,643 chickens, 53,422 quails and 624 rabbits. In this context, we are convinced that the strengthening of the Graduate Course in Animal Production in a wide association between UFRN and UFERSA will broaden its horizons in solving problems affecting animal production in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, promoting the growth of this activity.

With the purpose of opening a Doctoral Course, our staff of teachers has been under constant evaluation, in 2014 we have carried out the restructuring of the program where several teachers have been dismissed, but remained in the Program until the end of the orientation. In 2016, we launched an announcement for the re-accreditation of teachers and the accreditation of new teachers. We attribute the total of 280 points in the quadrennium and the accreditation of new teachers to 400 points.

At the time of publication of the edict the average score of the group was 428 points, the A1 equivalent = 1.10, dissertation equivalent / year = 0.94 and the average titration time equal 25.89 months.

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Program Coordination


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