
Space is a key category in any historiographic study. Any historical event has a spatial dimension, refers to to a given spatial clipping. However, this focus of analysis has been neglected when it comes to the production of knowledge in this area. The emphasis given to the temporal dimension, which characterizes the historical subject, has often led to space being thought of as an a priori, a prior fact, an "already there" that need not be thought from a historical perspective.


City or countryside, distant past or near past – the space is an object of production and appropriation: decisive in social struggles, it participates in social segregation, it supports identities, register of social, political, cultural or economic relations, consecration of the empire of the commodity or of the spiritual experiences, a canvas where the symbols of the elites are inscribed and where they are knocked over, the center of utopias, a document of enthusiasm with progress.


All are spaces and arise from the necessary relation between time and extension, or from the imperative need for space to run. In a word, for there to be history.


Thus, "space" is a material and/or symbolic construction, whatever the conceptual supports adopted (space, territory, place, landscape, etc.), as they take into account the historical dimensions of this space: the collective action, the permanence and the changes, the differentiated rhythms, the relations between the different temporalities. In this sense, space necessarily becomes the domain of dialogue between the various related disciplines.



Programa de Pós-Graduação em História (PPGH)

Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes – Sala 222

Campus Universitário - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

BR 101 - Km 01, Lagoa Nova

Natal – RN

CEP: 59.078-970

Phone: (84) 3342-2246 Extension 755



Office hours:

Morning: 07:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Afternoon: 01:00 p.m. to 06:00 p.m.




Luann Alves

Student Workers:

Lucas Paiva

Priscilla Oliveira

Alternative Address

Program Coordination

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