
The Graduate Program in Philosophy (PPGFIL) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte is intended for the qualification of Masters and Doctors as well as the strengthening of lines of research and research groups that can act in the elaboration and dissemination of the philosophical knowledge and contribute to scientific and socio-cultural development through the combined exercise of the historical, critical and constructive knowledge.

PPGFIL integrates teaching, research and outreach, with a view to improving the philosophical knowledge to be demonstrated through methodological rigor, knowledge of the state of the art and the relevance in the referral of the proposed questions in the elaboration and defense of dissertations and theses, in the case of students, and of articles and books, in the case of the Program’s professors.

The Graduate Program in Philosophy has a 24-month Academic Master's Degree and a 42-month Integrated Academic Doctorate (UFRN-UFPB-UFPE).

Alternative Address

Program Coordination


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