
The Graduate Program in Oral Pathology began in 1978, when the Master's Degree in Oral Pathology was created, according to Resolution No. 107/77 CONSEPE, dated of August 15, 1977. The commitment of the teaching staff and students concentrated in the improvement of the lines of research, regularity of the flow of students and always prioritizing productivity with quality led to the gradual strengthening of this Program, until its total consolidation with national and international recognition. As a natural consequence of this consolidation, in 1996 the Doctorate Course was created, which then became the Graduate Program in Oral Pathology. In the Program, with Area of Concentration in Oral Pathology, the following Research Lines are developed:

1. Oral Cancer

2. Pathology of the Salivary Glands

3. Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors

4. Oral Manifestations of Systemic Diseases

5. Benign Neoplasms and Proliferative Lesions of the Oral Cavity

6. Inflammation and Repair of Oral Tissues



Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Lélia Maria Guedes Queiroz

Deputy Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Márcia Cristina da Costa Miguel

Secretary: Maria das Graças Oliveira Galvão

Tel / Fax: (84) 3215-4138

Telephone: (84) 3215-4138 / (84) 9193-6157


Alternative Address

Program Coordination

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