
Brief history:

The Graduate Program in Chemical Engineering (PPGEQ) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) was founded in 1988, initially with the master’s degree program. The progress of the activities during 10 years allowed the PPGEQ to obtain the approval and to implement the doctoral degree program. In its 29 years of existence, the PPGEQ has surpassed the mark of 311 master's degree theses and 128 doctoral dissertations, which demonstrates its actual commitment to contribute to the development of society.

Program Objectives:

The main purpose of UFRN’s Graduate Program in Chemical Engineering is to train/educate qualified human resources in the field of Chemical Engineering to meet the demands of the job market at regional and national level, enabling the improvement and development of technologies that can generate goods and services for the society and that can guarantee the mitigation of environmental impacts. In this context, it is also the purpose of the PPGEQ, in its large area of concentration and its lines of research, to educate/train professionals with the capacity to perform technical-scientific activities in three spheres simultaneously: teaching/lecturing, research and industrial technological development.

Alternative Address

Program Coordination

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