UFRN’s Graduate Program in Mechanical Engineering was created by Resolution 107/82 - CONSEPE and Resolution 99/82 - CONSUNI, beginning its activities in 1983 offering a Master's degree program. Throughout its 35 years of operation, PPGEM has already provided education/training to more than 500 master’s degree and 102 doctoral degree students. In 2017 the PPGEM was restructured, a new pedagogical project was implemented, and the faculty was expanded, due to the process of accreditation of new professors. The Master's course develops its activities in two areas of research: DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING; ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND TRANSPORT PHENOMENA
The student admission is conducted by a selection process that is held twice a year, the call, the dates and the registration are made through the PPGEM website.
Telephone number: (84) 99474-6683
Telephone number 2: Not available at this moment
E-mail: ppgem@ct.ufrn.br
Telephone number: (84) 99474-6683
Telephone number 2: Not available at this moment
E-mail: ppgem@ct.ufrn.br