The Graduate Program in Electrical and Computer Engineering (PPgEEC) of UFRN started its activities in 1983, with the offering of the strictu sensu master's degree program. From the year 2000 onward, the PPgEEC also started to count on the strictu sensu Doctoral program. Prominent PPgEEC target candidates are graduates in the areas of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Network Engineering and Telecommunications Engineering although other applications may be considered.
More than 200 doctoral students and 500 master’s degree students have already graduated from the PpgEEC. They now work in companies, educational institutions and public institutions/bodies, especially UFRN, UERN, IFRN, UFERSA, UFPB, UEPB, IFPB, COSERN, INPE-RN, TRE-RN, MTE, Aeronautics and PETROBRÁS. The Program’s goal is the preparation of educators and researchers, enabling them to perform activities related to the scientific and technological sector, identified at both the regional and national levels, in an efficient manner.
The PPgEEC-UFRN was awarded grade 5 (five) in the CAPES four-yearly assessment published in September 2017, related to the 2013-2016 period. Thus, the diplomas of the strictu sensu (doctorate and master's) and latu sensu (specialization) graduate programs of the PPgEEC enjoy national recognition and validity.
Admission into the Doctoral degree and Academic Master’s degree programs occurs every semester, and are free of charge. Specialization programs may also be sporadically provided and usually involve some form of tuition fees.
Telephone number: (84) 3342-2265/615
Telephone number 2: (84) 99474-6685
Telephone number: (84) 3342-2394/402
Telephone number 2: (84) 99474-6682