Referências: |
- BROWN, J.H. & LOMOLINO, M.V. 1998. Biogeography. 2nd ed. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland.
- COX, C.B. & MOORE. P.D. 1993. Biogeography. An ecological and evolutionary approach. Blackwell Science, Oxford.
- LOMOLINO, M.V. & HEANEY, L.R. (Eds). 2004. Frontiers of Biogeography. New directions in the geography of Nature. Sinauer Associates,
- MORRONE, J.J. & BOUSQUETS, J.L. (Eds). 2003. Una perspectiva Latinoamericana de la Biogeografía. Las prensas de Ciências, Facultad de
Ciencias, UNAM: México. |