Referências: |
1. Myers, G., The Art of Software Testing, Wiley, 2004 (2nd edition)
2. Page, A., Johnston, K., Rollison, B. How do we test software at Microsoft. Microsoft Press, 2008 (1st edition).
3. Pesse, M., Young,M., Software Testing and Analysis, Wiley, 2008.
4. Beck, K., Test-Driven Development by Example; New York, NY: Addison-Wesley; 2003.
5. Beizer, B.; Software Testing Techniques; Van Nostrand Reeinhold; 1990. 5. Delamaro, M.E., Maldonado, J.C.; Jino, M.; Introdução ao Teste de Software; Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Elsevier / Campus; 2007. 6. Fewster, M.; Graham, D.; Software Test Automation; Addison-Wesley; 1999.