Referências: |
1. Matthew Hennessy. Semantics of Programming Languages. Wiley, 1990.
2. Glynn WINSKELL. The Formal Semantics of Programming Languages:
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3. K. R. Apt and E.-R. Olderog. Verification of Sequential and
Concurrent Programs.Springer, 2nd edition, 1997.
4. C.A.R. Hoare . Unified Theories of Programming. Oxford
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5. P. Deransart, M. Jourdan, and B. Lorho. Attribute Grammars:
Definitions, Systems and Bibliography, volume 323 of Lecture Notes in
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6. P. Lee. Realistic Compiler Generation. MIT Press, 1989.
7. G. D. Plotkin. A structural approach to operational semantics.
Technical Report DAIMI FN-19, Aarhus University, 1981.
8. D. A. Schmidt. Denotational Semantics: A Methodology for
Language Development. Allyn and Bacon, 1986.
9. K. Slonneger and B. L. Kurtz. Formal Syntax and Semantics of
Programming Languages: A Laboratory Based Approach. Addison-Wesley,
10. Peter D. Mosses. Action Semantics. Cambridge University Press, 1992.